It is possible

the answer that follows is not the best practice , but in order to apply the changes with the minimum amount of moves it is the best available

you will have to change the code in file <joomla directory>/components/com_masterleaguepro/models/standings.php

near line 55 the following code should be present
$query="SELECT , u.username,SUM(log.points) as points,SUM( as win,SUM(log.draw) as draw,SUM(log.lose) as lose,SUM(log.matches_played) as matches_played ,SUM(log.goal_for) as goal_for, SUM(log.goal_against) as goal_against , SUM(log.goal_difference) as goal_difference
           FROM `#__masterleaguepro_users` mu 
           INNER JOIN `#__users` u ON 
           INNER JOIN `#__masterleaguepro_user_log` log  
             ON log.user_id=mu.user_id 
          WHERE log.league_id=$league AND mu.league_id=log.league_id 
          GROUP BY mu.user_id 
          ORDER BY points DESC , goal_for DESC , goal_difference DESC";
you will have to change it to
$query="SELECT , u.username,SUM(log.points) as points,SUM( as win,SUM(log.draw) as draw,SUM(log.lose) as lose,COUNT(DISTINCT log.matchday_id) as matches_played ,SUM(log.goal_for) as goal_for, SUM(log.goal_against) as goal_against , SUM(log.goal_difference) as goal_difference
           FROM `#__masterleaguepro_users` mu 
           INNER JOIN `#__users` u ON 
           INNER JOIN `#__masterleaguepro_user_log` log  
             ON log.user_id=mu.user_id 
          WHERE log.league_id=$league AND mu.league_id=log.league_id 
          GROUP BY mu.user_id 
          ORDER BY points DESC , goal_for DESC , goal_difference DESC";
Best regards