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View Full Version : Cup games

17-07-2015, 01:17 PM
Topic Transfered from old forum
Is there or could there be a way to have cup games, ie. FA Cup, League Cup and have it as a knockout using all players from all leagues ?
If there is a time that there is odd numbers, 1 player ramdonly gets a bye to next round.
You have a grid within the championship plugin, this could be the same design but not the group stage.

Sorry should be posted in pro version !

17-07-2015, 01:17 PM
Topic Transfered from old forum
If i understand you correctly , here are some problems with this idea.

1)if you have huge amount of players the real cup will already have a champion and your system would still be in knock-out , because each round the players are divided by 2 so for example if you start with 16 players you will have 4 rounds if you start with 64 you will have 6 rounds

2)same problem if you have low amount of players your Cup will already have a champion but the real Cup is still on going.

3)What would happen if if the players amount is not a number "power of 2" for example there are 48 players , at the final round there will be 3 players .

Also another problem is that if you will be using just the knockout game the players that are knocked out will stop playing the game, that's why in "Pro" version the championship system is like a bonus for the best players of the previous season. So all the players continue playing aiming to be in the championship on the next season.

There could be some workarounds with this idea in order to make all the players participate in the Cup. (you could always create a second active season and have the same type of game as normal Masterleague for the Cup)