Topic Transfered from old forum


for the first question if you want to see all the matches at the playerprediction panel you can do that by changing file
<joomla directory>/components/com_masterleaguepro/models/playerprediction.php line 38


" INNER JOIN `#__masterleaguepro_player_prediction` pp ON pp.match_id=m.id AND pp.user_id=".$user_id.


" LEFT JOIN `#__masterleaguepro_player_prediction` pp ON pp.match_id=m.id AND pp.user_id=".$user_id.

note this has not been tested on component just the database so it may cause some errors in the front end , if any error appear contact again to solve it , the intension was to show just the matches the player had predicted so the program had the prediction score, now it will return NULL if the player did not predict.

for the second question in order to fetch the predictions from matches that already start playing edit the line 39 from the same file
" WHERE m.matchday_id = ".$matchday;


"WHERE m.matchday_id = ".$matchday." AND m.match_start_time < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()";

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